
i felt her creeping
from one of the dusty corners of my house
i can’t really say which one
she seemed to be coming from the future
wearing clothes from the past
as poisonous
as sarin gas
she made her way towards me
attempting to make my mind
her home

however daring she posed
i still sensed
her trembling
foggy fingers stretching
towards my unprotected back
unsure if now was a good moment
to take hold
doubting if i’ve maybe
been vaccinated
against her
ruthless and surreal
and most of all cold
she decided to postpone
her attack
it might have been just me
or it might have been her

being unfathomable
her claws withdrawn
she all of a sudden
slouched back to the dark hole
in which she was born
leaving behind untouched
spider web doilies
undisturbed anger fits
and rejected ideas about
the meaning of life
and of being

not made of flesh
nor bone
loneliness found herself
in the depths of my home

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