
between hashtags and tears
i hang my feelings to dry
on threads of silver 
and silk
they blow away in the smoke of the wind
and disappear in a fog
thicker than honey
whiter than milk

between scrolling and tapping
i throw mellow glances filled
with inconsistency and
i remind myself to breathe in
at least twice an hour
in between
the russian roulette rounds
my life seems to be playing
with no intention to win

between mirrors and screens
i hide myself
in dead corners
on edges wrapped in darkness
under carpets of dry leaves
covered with a taste of disaster

creeping on my elbows
i take a mouthful of earth
smelling like all the atrocities
of which i’ve never even heard
and standing up on my knees
i declare
with the silence of a spreading cancer
that to be or not to be
is not a question
but an answer

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